Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 5 assignment

This assignment is very similar in concept to the third assignment we had, where we focused on using elements of composition to their extremes, but we also had to add in the idea of utilizing the camera to capture images that would be hard, if not impossible, to see with the naked eye.
My compositional element I worked with was dominance, and I feel I was successful in some cases, and less so in other. I ended up mainly working with signs, as they already have a sense of dominance, in their own right, and I felt the urge to augment that in my work.

This first image I feel gives a very dominant feeling, with the worn, aged stop sign as the key element to the composition. I also worked with depth of field in this picture, but I feel that it lost its weight due to the sheer dominance of the sign itself.

This next photograph lacks much of the dominant qualities that the first picture had, but uses depth of field, again; but in this case uses it to make the sign more dominant. Also, through just a little work in photoshop, I was able to bring out the contrast on the green line sign to make it stand out more.

I feel this is probably the weakest of the images overall, even though I've established the dominance of the large structure as well as capturing a lens flare, which I set out originally with the intention of using them in my pictures. However, the contrast could be a little better in the image and even using the burn and dodge tools did not help as much as I would have liked.

This last picture breaks a little from the sign theme, though the use of depth of field, once again, establishes a good sense of dominance, so, even though the one post is just running through the frame of the image, it seems like a very important post, a very weighted one.

After working on this assignment, I feel that I can actually combine technical elements of the camera, such as using the macro focus to get depth of field, with elements of composition to make an overall stronger image.

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